En el día de hoy los trabajadores de Navegación Aérea, hemos recibido un correo electrónico del Director de Navegación Aérea en el que se nos habla del discurso de Siim Kallas, Vicepresidente de la CE y Comisario de Transportes.
De su discurso (ver discurso completo) podemos destacar:
…On one hand, Spain and Portugal contributed significantly to achieving the cost targets. On the other, large Member States like France, Germany and the United Kingdom fell behind expectations.
Within 10 years, the air navigation cost of an average flight in Europe should have fallen from its €800 starting point to €600 – not the €715 it is today. That is still a long way off the price in the United States: a country which already controls the same airspace area, with more traffic, at roughly half the cost.
All this extra expense is borne by airlines and ultimately, by air passengers. So if Member States continue to fail to deliver, who suffers? Passengers, businesses and the European economy.
On the functional airspace blocks (FABs), another key element of the Single Sky: there are now just a few weeks left before the deadline for Member States to set them up.
Yes, the FABs are being established. I am happy to see that a major agreement between BLUEMED States will be signed in Limassol.
However, a signature is one thing. Delivering added value is what we expect.
At the moment, it is clear that they will make little if any contribution towards an integrated and defragmented airspace.
This raises the prospect of infringement proceedings against Member States for non-compliance.